
rich in history

Pietermaritzburg is the capital of the province KwaZulu-Natal. The city has a rich history stretching from the Battle of Blood River, following the defeat of the Zulu King Dingane by the Voortrekkers, through the Apartheid years and its complications. However, Pietermaritzburg’s ancient history as the centre of the Zulu Empire has ensured that the city survive its tribulations into the industrial and academic hub it is today. The University of KwaZulu-Natal, which was originally founded in 1910, boasts association with numerous world-class institutions and academics, and has famous alumni distributed all throughout the world.

Popular Tourist Site


Pietermaritzburg is also widely known as the place where, in 1893, Mahatma Gandhi founded and developed his unique form of nonviolent resistance known as Satyagraha in protest of the racist treatment of Indian people by the Apartheid regime. Today, a bronze statue of Gandhi stands in Church Street, in the city centre, making it a popular tourist site.

Some of the top attractions of Pietermaritzburg are: The Natal Museum which traces the rich history of this extraordinary town; Tatham Art Gallery for the art lovers; as well as the SANBI Botanical Gardens. With sites like the Albert Falls Nature Reserve and Howick Falls, it is no wonder you are thinking of buying a house in Pietermaritzburg.

To make sure your home is perfect in every way, contact us to arrange a home inspection today.

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